Savita Pall and Chemistry


Welcome to SCH4UE


September 7, 2010

Welcome to IB (II) Chemistry. 

The following is the IB Course Outline.

IB-New Course Outline 07-09

Syllabus Outline for Chemistry

The following criteria for the Internal assessment will serve as a useful guide.  


Please download the Chemistry Lab Format as this will be useful as a guide to correct Lab Report writing skills; and the Internal Assessment, IA, Lab Portfolio Marking Scheme.

 (You will be required to attach one of these to each of your written Labs that you hand in for correction).

Format Lab Write Up-08

IA Portfolio Marking Scheme_09


You are required to bring the Chemistry Data Booklet into the class at all times, please download it and place it into your Chemistry Binder and bring it to class.

Chemistry Data Booklet_07-09

The following Equation Sheet will be required for the duration of the course and you will be required to bring it into tests and quizzes.


Equation Sheet

The following Key Terms will help you to understand the requirements for a test question and hence answer test questions.

Key Terms


March 21,  2011

Please download the new unit:  Organic, (Part 2) for the week starting  March 22, 2011.  

The following is the IB outline for the Topic 10 and 20. 

Also  Option G: Further Organic Chemistry outline is included.

(You are not required to download this, it is the outline pertaining to the unit.)

10 Organic Chemistry

20 Organic Chemistry

Option G Further Organic Chemistry


Functional Group Notes-Ryder

1.    Stereoisomers-Enantiomers

 2.    Halogeno-alkanes

3.    Comparison SN1and SN2

4.   Reaction Pathway R-X

5.    Alkanols and Phenols

 6.     Summary Table-Ethanol

7.    Aromatic-Benzene

8.    Presence of Substituents on Benzene

9.    Carbonyl Compounds

10.    Alkanoic Acids

11.    Polymers

12.    PowerPoint Presentation



Hydrolysis of Halogeno Compounds




February 2,  2011

Please download the new unit:  Redox, for the week starting  February 7, 2011.  

The following is the IB outline for the Topic 9 and 19.

(You are not required to download this, it is the outline pertaining to the unit.)

9 Oxidation and Reduction

19 Oxidation and Reduction


1.    Intro to Redox

2.    Balancing using Oxidation Numbers

3.    Inorganic-Review

4.    Balancing by Ion-Electron Method

5.    Electrochemical Cells

6.    Corrosion

7.    Electrolysis

8.    Quantitative Aspects of Electrolytic Reactions

9.     Redox Review


1.    Displacement of metals

2.    Electrochemical cells

3.    Corrosion Review Questions

4.    Quantitative Calculations 1

5.    Review Questions


1.    Oxidation Numbers of Manganese

2.    Redox Titration Using Permanganate

3.    Electrochemical Cells

4.    Electrolysis

5.    Electroplating


January  3, 2011

Please download the new unit:  Acid- Base, for the week starting January 3, 2010.  

The following is the IB outline for the Topic 8 and 18.

(You are not required to download this, this is the IB outline pertaining to the unit.)

8 Acids and bases

18 Acids and Bases

UNIT:  Acids - Bases 


1.    Flowchart Classification Compounds

2.    ACIDS and BASES

3.    Effect of Structure on Acid-Base Properties

4.    Hydrolysis of Ions

5.    The Common Ion Effect

6.    Buffers and pH of Buffers

7.    Titration Notes

8.    Titration Curve-Strong Acid-Strong Base

9.    Titration Curve-pH vs. Volume-Strong Acid-Strong Base

10.    Hydrolysis of Ions-Titration Problems

11.    Outline of Acid-Base Unit Review


1.    Review Questions on acid-Base Definitions

2.    Review Questions

3.    Review Calculations 1

4.    Determination of pH of Weak Acid Solution

5.    Determination of pH of Weak Base Solution

6.    Titration Problems

7.    Ka and Kb Problems

8.    Buffer Problems

9.    Review and Tests -Acid-Base


1.    Ka-Weak Acid

2.    Analysis of Aspirin

3.    Titration Plot Activity

4.    Hydrolysis - Planning Lab

5.    Planning-Indigestion Medicine


November 15, 2010

Please download  the new Unit Equilibrium, for the week starting November 20, 2010.

Unit: Equilibrium: Topic 7 and 17 of the IB Syllabus.

The following is the IB outline for the Topic 7 and 17.

(You are not required to download this, but  it is the outline pertaining to the unit.)

7 Equilibrium

17 Equilibrium

Please download the new Unit: Equilibrium


1.    Equilibrium in chemical reactions

2.    Summary Table of Equilibrium and Rates

3.    Gibbs Free Energy and Equilibrium

4.    Quantitative Equilibrium Review

5.      Equilibrium-Unit Review

6.    Equilibrium Concept Map


1.    Graphing Equilibrium

2.    Review -Qualitative Equilibrium

3.    Le Chatelier's Principle

4.    A Case Study of the Haber Process

5.    Application of Equilibrium Questions

6.    Equilibrium Calculation Practice I and II

7.    Free Energy and Equilibrium Constant


Equilibrium Simulation Lab

Application of Le Chatelier's Principle

The Equilibrium Constant

October 20, 2010

Unit: Kinetics: Topic 6 and 16 of the IB Syllabus.

The following is the IB outline for the Topic 6 and 16.

(You are not required to download this, but it is the outline pertaining to the unit.)

6 Kinetics

16 Kinetics

Please download the following Unit for the week starting October 20 2010.

Unit: Chemical Kinetics


1.    Chemical Kinetics

2.    Energy in Kinetics

3.    Reaction Mechanism Notes

4.    Rate Law and Order

5.    Half-life

6.    Arrhenius Equation

7.    Catalysis

8.    Kinetics Review

9.    Kinetics Review Notes


1.    Effect of Surface Area

2.   Graph-Definition-Factors

3.    Kinetic Energy and Temperature-Distribution

4.    Rate Law

5.    Rate Law Order and PE

6.    Problems First Order Reactions

7.    Arrhenius Equation Problems

8.    Multiple Choice Practice I


Factors Affecting Rates of Chemical Reactions

Lab-Oxalate-Permanganate Clock


September 20, 2010

Please download the following, these are also the part of the Energetic Unit.


Lattice Energies and Born Haber cycle


Enthalpy-Review-IB Questions


Enthalpy of zinc and copper(II) Sulphate

Hess Lab Microscale

Enthalpy of Ionic Compounds

Use of a Spreadsheet to Construct a Born-Haber Cycle

ICT Spreadsheet -Bond Enthalpies


We will be starting the new Unit: Energetics, (Thermodynamics)

Unit: Thermodynamics: Topic 5 and 15 of the IB Syllabus.

The following is the IB outline for the Topic 5 and 15.

(You are not required to download this, but it is the outline pertaining to the IB Course Outline.)

5  Energetics

15 Energetics

Unit: Thermodynamics


1.    Introduction to thermodynamics

2.    Table of definitions of types of enthalpy changes

3.    Hess's Law Notes

4.    Bond Energy Notes

5.    Entropy and Free Energy

6.    Reaction Spontaneity Table

7.    Thermodynamics-Review


1.    Specific Heat and Heat Capacity Problems1

2.    Specific Heat and Heat Capacity Problems2

3.    Enthalpy Changes for Warming Substances and Changes of State

4.    Enthalpy of acid-base_07-08

5.    Equations using Heats of Reaction

6.    Equations using Heats of Rxn_2_07-08

7.    Hess's Law and Calorimetry Problems

8.    Summation of Heats of Reactions and Hess's Law Problems

9.    Enthalpy Review Questions

10.    Bond Enthalpies

11.    Entropy Assignment 1

12.    Assignment 2 Spontaneous Processes

13.    Assignment 3 Free Energy

14.    Review Entropy and Free Energy


1.    Life-Saver Planning Lab

2.    measuring specific heat capacity planning lab

2.    Enthalpy Change of Mg and HCl

3.    enthalpy of four chemical reactions

4.    Use of a Spreadsheet to Construct a Born-Haber Cycle

5.    Heat You Can Eat Lab

6.    Combustion of Alcohols