Savita Pall and Chemistry
Welcome to SCH3UE: IB - Year I 2011-2012 September 6, 2011 Welcome to IB (HL) - Year I: Grade 11 Chemistry. Please download the IB-Course Outline. The following Key Terms and the IB Data Book will help you to understand the requirements for a test question and hence answer test questions. The following Equation Sheet will be required for the duration of the course and you will be required to bring it into tests and quizzes.
The following is all the relevant information required for the write-up of IB Labs. IA-Portfolio Marking Scheme-09 Lab Write-Up-IA Criteria_09-10 IB Design Lab-Explanation_11-12 IA-Labs-Conclusion-Evaluation-Checklist-2012 June 4, 2012The following is the: Lab Portfolio Table of Content, June Exam Review and the June Matrix for the Exam. The following SCH3UO Final Exam Review is a different Review package, should you require further practice. 3UE-IB Topics-Lab Portfolio-June 2012
May 7, 2012Please download the new unit: Organic, for the week starting May 14, 2012. The following is the IB outline for the Topic 10. (You are not required to download this, it is the outline pertaining to the unit.) Unit: ORGANIC NOTES1. Bonding in Organic Compounds_V2 3. Introduction to organic reaction mechanism 6. Families of Organic Compounds 7. System of organic nomenclature 8. Functional Group Notes-Ryder-Whittaker Hawkins 10. Classification of Organic Isomers 11. Alkanes
ASSIGNMENTS2. Nomenclature 3. Nomenclature Assignment-Answers 5. Melting point and boiling point of alkanes LABS 1. Preparation and reactions of acetylene
April 25, 2012 The new Table of Contents for the Lab Portfolio is now available. 3UE-Table of Contents-Apr25-12 March 25, 2012Please download the remainder of the Atomic Structure Unit: BONDING The following are the IB outline for the Topics 4 and 14, you do not have to download these. NOTES Memory Aid-Table of VSEPR Shapes Graph _hydrides of Group 5_ 6_7 Structure and Type of Solids-09-10 Covalent Bonding-Hybridization Complete Review-Structure-and-Bonding-09-10 ASSIGNMENTS Types of Structure and Properties Volatility and Surface Tension of Liquids Structure and Bonding-Review 6 Review Atomic Theory Bonding and Structure LABS 3_Lab Activity-Polarity-VSEPR-Props-Model 4_Comparing Phys Props to Bond Types
March 19, 2012Please download the following new unit: Transition Metals.
The following is the planned course outline for the Atomic Structure and Bonding, that will be used, but is based on the IB outline for the Topics 2, and 12. The Notes, Assignments and labs must be brought to class. UNIT: Atomic Structure: Notes Atomic and Molecular Structure-Unit Outline Historical Perspective Table-Atomic Structure 3. 4-The Wave Mechanical Model of the Atom 4. Notes-Trends in the Periodic Table 5. Summary Periodic Trends-Periodic Table 6. Periodic Trends-Element-Oxides-Chlorides ASSIGNMENTS 1. Isotopes and relative atomic mass 2. Atomic Structure-Assignment I 3. Quantum Mechanics Calculations 3 4. Review-Quantum Numbers -Electron Configuration 5. Multiple Ionization Energies 6. Successive Ionization Energies of Sodium 7. Atomic Structure and Ionization Energy LABS 1. 1_Atomic Spectra of Hydrogen Using a Spectroscope 2. The Variation of Atomic Properties 4. LAB- Periodicity of Chemical Properties in Chlorides and Oxides January 8, 2012 The following represents the General comment on the Lab: Mole Relationship in a Chemical Reaction: Lab: Al + CuCl2 And the new Planning Lab: Quantities in chemical reactions will be the new Internal Assessment Lab. Please download these and bring them to class for discussion starting the week of January 9, 2012. The Work on the new unit: Acids - Bases, is now available, please download it for the week of January 16, 2012. The following is the IB Curriculum Guide to Topic 8. You do not have to download this; however you must download all the Notes, Assignments and Labs and bring them to the class. Planning Lab-Quantities in Chemical Reactions UNIT: Acids-Bases NotesFlowchart-Classification-Compounds Titration Curve-Strong Acid-Strong Base Titration Curve-pH vs. Volume-Strong Acid-Strong Base Assignments1. Summary of Arrhenius properties 2. Review Questions on acid-Base Definitions 3. Summary Table of pH and pOH Relationship Labs1. Electrolytes-Weak and Strong 2. Strong and Weak Acid Titration Simulation 3. Bronsted-Lowry Acid-Base Lab 4. Planning Lab-Properties of Acids and Bases 6. pH Changes During Titration of a Strong Acid and Strong Base
December 11, 2011 The following package: Review-Antibacterials-Antivirals will help to prepare you for the Quiz this week. Review-Antibacterial-Antiviral
December 11, 2011 The following is the Updated Table of A&E, please download it, and make sure that your Lab Portfolio is updated. Updated Table of Content-11 Dec 2011
December 8, 2011 The following, IB: Option D - Drugs and Medicine is the IB Unit Guide. You do not have to down load this. However, the notes, review packages and IB questions on the Option Unit: Drugs and Medicine will help to prepare you for the Quiz next week. Summary Table-Drugs and Medicine IB-Exam Questions-Answers-Drugs and Medicines
November 22, 2011 Please download the following new Unit: Solutions (IB: Topic 1.5) UNIT: Solution Chemistry: Notes Introduction to Solution Chemistry four easy steps to solve titration problems ASSIGNMENTS Solubility Rules-Net Ionic Equations Reactions in Aqueous Solution-Stoichiometry Review Problems-Solution Chemistry Solutions- Review Questions: Whitman &Nalepa LABSNovember 19, 2011 The following is the explanation and the Marking scheme for all the IB labs. Please bring it to class this week. IA-Portfolio Marking Scheme-09 Lab Write-Up-IA Criteria-09-10 November 1, 2011 The following will be a beneficial review package for the Mole Unit Test this week. Review for Moles Test_2011-2012 October 28, 2011 Please download the new unit GASES. This is the continuation of the IB Unit 1.4 UNIT: Gases Notes Gas Unit Review-Brett Anderson ASSIGNMENTS LABS Effect of temperature on the volume of a Gas Dry Lab-Determination of Molar Volume of CO2_O2_CH4 Co2 from an Alka-Seltzer Tablet October 23, 2011 The following is the Assessment and Evaluation scheme that will be used to indicate 3UE: IB (I) Chemistry course (HL). Also I have prepared an explanation for the write-up of Design Labs. Please bring this to class. IB Design Lab-Explanation-11-12 October 10, 2011 Here is the Review for Error Propagation prepared by Lindsay Liang. Lindsay Liang-Error Propagation-Review October 7, 2011 Here is the criteria for the Lab Write Up that will help to explain the necessary requirements in the writing of the labs. You will be required to attach the Lab Marking Scheme to each of your labs that you will submit for marking. Lab Write-Up-IA Criteria_09-10 IA-Portfolio-Marking Scheme-Labs-09 September 19, 2011 We will be starting with Topic 11: Measurement and Data Processing and then Topic 1: Quantitative Chemistry. The following are the IB Curriculum Guide to Topic 11 and to Topic 1. You do not have to download these; however you must download all the Notes, Assignments and Labs and bring them to the class. 11 Measurement and Data Processing NOTES Measurement and data processing LAB Lab-Application of Significant Digits-Density Lab-Thickness of aluminum Sheet UNIT: Quantitative Chemistry 1. The mole 2. Molecular mass and Formula mass 5. Fractions-Decimals-Empirical-Molecular Formula 7. Moles and Chemical Equations- Stoichiometry 8. Limiting Reagent Calculations 11. Summary Calculations from Equations ASSIGNMENTS The mole and the periodic table Review Questions-Empirical-Molecular Formula Stoichiometry 2_Review_Problems_07-08 LABS Lab-Percentage Composition-MgO Mole Relationship in Chemical reactions Planning Lab-Quantities in Chemical Reactions September 6, 2011 We will be starting with a Grade 10 Review of Nomenclature and Balancing Equations and then Topic 1: Quantitative Chemistry Please download the following Review of Grade 10. These will be required for the first day of classes. NOTES Table of cations and anion names and formulas ASSIGNMENTS Introduction to balancing equations Balancing Polyatomic Equations Chemical nomenclature and balancing equations LABS